Inositol/Folic acid

Inositol/Folic acid

Inositol/Folic acid


Inositol and Folate are essential supplements to help women during prenatal periods. Folic acid is a water-soluble B Vitamin and member of the B Complex. Folic acid intake is important for pregnant women and helps promote heart health. Folic acid helps maintain healthy levels of homocysteine by helping convert homocysteine into methionine. In addition, it plays a significant role in the health of red blood cells and helps support a healthy nervous system. Inositol plays a huge role in managing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) due to its efficacy. Folic Acid is a form of Vitamin B-9 that can be dissolved in water helps enhances the effect of Inositol. The B vitamin folic acid helps prevent birth defects. If a woman has enough folic acid in her body before and while she is pregnant.


  • May Reduce Anxiety by Affecting Serotonin
  • May Aid Blood Sugar Control by Improving Insulin Sensitivity.
  • May Improve Fertility in Women With PCOS.
  • May Reduce Symptoms of Depression.
  • This proven compound is particularly beneficial as a dietary supplement for women who want to have children. It promotes your well-being during pregnancy and is ideal for women who wish to have children. The foods we consume contain inositol and folic acid. Unfortunately, during stressful times, such as trying to achieve pregnancy or during pregnancy, additional intake is important. In addition, to a healthy and balanced diet, this product can ensure your consumption of key nutrients.
  • Availability of Inositol is especially important in the brain and central nervous system‚ as it is an important participant in neurotransmitter signaling. In addition, Inositol is critical for the proper action of insulin‚ lipid metabolism‚ and for the maintenance of calcium balance within the cell.